
Magnetic Touch provides a Delivery System that allows functional actives to migrate powered by electrical impulses.
In that way it is generated an Electrophoretic Flow System or Transdermic Migration of the functional active ingredients contained in cosmetic products.


The Magnetic Touch Electrophoretic Flow System at varying frequencies creates new access routes called “Electropores”, or intra and extra cellular transit channels that are formed by Disrupting the cells in the stratum corneum and Relocating the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane.
The temporary opening of the electropores significantly improves the Transdermic Migration of the active ingredients contained in the professional SERUMS and CREAMS


The CELL FRANZ TEST has shown a significant increase in penetration of the functional active ingredients in the Cosmetic Creams, +59%* compared to the manual application only.

* Il test è stato condotto utilizzando un siero ed una Emulsione standard, additivati con una molecola target (Caffeina, in concentrazione dello 0,5%), con misurazione effettuata dopo 15 minuti di contatto.