The following disclaimer explains how the website processes personal data of users who access the site and use its Web services.

This informational section refers solely to the site and not to any other websites users may access through links.

All personal data of parties (individuals and/or legal entities) that, for various reasons, access the services offered on the site, will be processed by Beauty & Business S.p.A.(Data Controller) in compliance with the laws currently in force and, in any case, with due confidentiality and within the limits of the purposes provided herein.

Optionally and voluntarily sending e-mail messages to the addresses provided on the site leads to acquisition of the sender’s email address, as well as possibly of other personal data included in the message so that inquiries may receive a response. Access to specific services or response to specific requests may require the entry of personal data in the relevant coupons; in this case, the requested data must be obtained in order for all operations for the party to be executed, and without said data, it may be impossible to provide the service. In any case, when filling out a coupon the user will have the opportunity to consult the specific information on the requested service.

For the purposes indicated, personal data may be processed using manual tools, computer tools and online tools with logic strictly correlated to those purposes and, in any case, so as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data itself under the provisions of legislative decree 196/2003.

During the course of normal use, computer systems and software procedures used to manage the site acquire certain personal data, and the transmission of said data is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected in order to be associated with the identified parties involved, but due to its nature, it may identify users during processing and association with third-party data.

This category includes IP addresses and domain names for computers used by users who connect to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses for the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, the code number indicating the status of the response provided by the server (good outcome, error, etc.) and other relevant operating system parameters and the user’s own computer environment. This information is used solely for purposes of compiling anonymous statistical data regarding use of the site and to check that it is functioning correctly; it is stored for the period established by the relevant regulations. Data may be used to determine liability in cases of suspected computer crimes that damage the site.

Items known as “cookies” (small text files that the website sends to visitors’ computers in order to perform additional functions, necessary to utilize the site fully and/or to track visits to various pages) are used solely to monitor the effectiveness of the site’s on-line presence and to determine the pages visited most frequently; in any case, cookies are not used to obtain personal data, such as names or e-mail addresses.

Information collected using cookies is aggregated on an anonymous basis for statistical purposes, for example, to check how many times the site has been visited during a certain time period or how often certain pages are visited or the routes taken to get from one page to another.

If you don’t want to receive cookies, please configure your browser appropriately: instructions for doing so are included in your browser documentation.

The Data Controller’s employees and/or associates may become aware of data if they are assigned to perform processing or they oversee processing; the data will not be shared with or communicated to third parties except when permissible pursuant to the information section and/or the law and, in any case, using the methods allowed.

In order to verify your data or to have them supplemented, updated or corrected and/or to implement any of the rights provided under Art. 7 of the Code, you may contact Customer Service at the Data Controller by sending an e-mail to or writing to TEN SCIENCE – Ufficio Clienti – Via Ciserano snc, Osio Sotto (BG), 24046.

The data controller is Beauty & Business S.p.A.with registered office at Via Cesare Cantù 1, Milano, and administrative offices in Osio Sotto (province of Bergamo) at Via Ciserano snc, 24046. A complete and updated list of responsible parties may be obtained by submitting a request to the controller.